
Press X to... oh, too late. Crunch. 07 Apr, 2011 / 6 comments

IGN has a short exclusive video up for Jurassic Park now which showcases several of the game's new Heavy Rain-inspired Quick-Time Events - but more specifically, ways you can fail and die.

This is definitely a spoileriffic video, but for anyone who wants to see a T-Rex squish someone or a female character actually die for the first time in Jurassic Park history, it's right here.


Source: IGN



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    The Tingler on 09 Apr, 2011, 13:01…


    Yes, I think I'll find myself failing QTEs in JP just to see some juicy deaths. Heavy Rain only worked because you wanted your characters to survive, which got my heart pumping during the trickier QTEs.

    This will be something major Telltale will have to address - likeable characters you don't want to see squished between a T-Rex and a Triceratops.
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    tmsmyth4 on 09 Apr, 2011, 10:25…


    what is so hard about pressing X? What I liked about heavy the choices you made had consequences..characters died..the story was changed.. jurassic park just won't have that same excitement if you are just returned to a previous point in the game..

    Yes, I think I'll find myself failing QTEs in JP just to see some juicy deaths. Heavy Rain only worked because you wanted your characters to survive, which got my heart pumping during the trickier QTEs. At least on my first playthrough (as it turns out there wernt that many ways to die, but it sure felt like a constant threat 1st time round). I hope JP doesnt jump back to autosaves too often, beacuse QTEs are even less fun if you can just repeat them over and over
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    hierohero on 08 Apr, 2011, 23:48…
    what is so hard about pressing X? What I liked about heavy the choices you made had consequences..characters died..the story was changed.. jurassic park just won't have that same excitement if you are just returned to a previous point in the game..
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    Capn_Nacho on 08 Apr, 2011, 18:23…
    I think I can recall quite a number of games but it seems I've forgotten all of them.
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    jannar85 on 08 Apr, 2011, 11:31…
    Here's hoping this is from the console versions.. I don't see myself doing x y and such on a keyboard.

    What does this remind me of...? A sequence of pressing buttons... hmmm... I seem to recall a game, but I've forgotten quickly about it.
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    Sp0tted on 07 Apr, 2011, 16:06…
    I still don't see myself buying this game, but I'm glad to know you get to control the dinosaurs instead of the humans.

    At least, that is what I got out of this video.

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