
Mojo goes retro mania, looks back at its history 10 Oct, 2013 / 13 comments

A couple of deeply ashamed Mojoers:

remster: Oh god, Gabzo paraphrasing me
remster: God I can't republish this, Gabez made me sound like an ass!
LucasTones: me too!

LucasTones: you're saying "basically, Jake's time in the sun has come to an end" and I'm saying "I don't want to incriminate myself, but I was on DRUGS"

Yet republish it we did: Mojo, 10 Years and Counting is back online, and ashamed as we are, there is no point denying that this is the penultimate Mojo article. If there's one article that sums it all up -- the infighting, the insults, the admittance that Mojo is a sentient being and we're all its bitches -- it's this one.

And it's kind of mindblowing that this originally was posted in 2007, more than six years ago.

Get ready for a nostalgia trip, and go read Mojo, 10 Years and Counting, and remember: We're so, so sorry.



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    Huz on 16 Oct, 2013, 19:55…
    Great article! It's all there - the lovable amateurishness of early Mojo, the novelty of IRC, being slaughtered at Quake by DJG on his own map, hearing the tales from E3, needlessly hating Radiohead because nobody would shut up about them for five minutes... and the drama of DemonicSkull's rivalry. Truly some great memories!
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    Murray-Mint on 14 Oct, 2013, 23:17…
    Why must you make me nostalgic for the old days?
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    bgbennyboy on 12 Oct, 2013, 11:59…
    Reading that article again was wonderful. I got all nostalgic about the nostalgia article.
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    clone2727 on 11 Oct, 2013, 03:02…
    I read this 6 years ago, and wow... I'm just as confused.
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    Remi on 11 Oct, 2013, 02:05…


    I'm tempted to make a fake account so I can see a non-staffer in these comments every once in awhile.

    Well, seeing you're fired and all... I don't think that'll be necessary.
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    Jason on 10 Oct, 2013, 21:43…
    I'm tempted to make a fake account so I can see a non-staffer in these comments every once in awhile.
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    jp-30 on 10 Oct, 2013, 21:04…



    It's the penultimate Mojo article? There was only one more ever written?

    That's sad.

    It might be a Mojo reference that... nobody apparently gets anymore. :~

    Probably, I'm pretty new here.
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    elTee on 10 Oct, 2013, 20:04…
    Okay that's long enough, we should take this down again now :~
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    Remi on 10 Oct, 2013, 19:13…


    It's the penultimate Mojo article? There was only one more ever written?

    That's sad.

    It might be a Mojo reference that... nobody apparently gets anymore. :~
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    Jason on 10 Oct, 2013, 19:07…


    It's the penultimate Mojo article? There was only one more ever written?

    Perhaps he was trying to make some jab that related this article to the PenUltimate from The Dig - an interesting idea, but ultimately pointless.
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    jp-30 on 10 Oct, 2013, 19:05…
    It's the penultimate Mojo article? There was only one more ever written?

    That's sad.
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    Remi on 10 Oct, 2013, 18:28…
    I have truly never been as frankenquoted as that before.

    Yet it still seems strangely appropriate. ¬¬
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    Jason on 10 Oct, 2013, 18:10…
    What a weird and sordid grotesquerie of an article. One of Mojo's best.

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