
LucasArts set to 'revolutionize the industry'. Apparently. 11 Feb, 2012 / 5 comments

Oh, you thought LucasArts had just been developing the Pit Droids iOS port and Maul-Your-Face app for the last 3 years? WRONG, they're also working on building a large scale online services and infrastructure to support a new way of connected online gaming that is going to revolutionize the industry..
So, Steam then?
Here's the job description.
Also, Kinect Star Wars is finally coming out on April 3. You know you always wanted to do a Galactic Dance Off Electric Boogaloo.

Source: LucasArts



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    jp-30 on 11 Feb, 2012, 03:47…



    By the way, the Pit Droids port for iOS is pretty well done, and the game is fun.

    Yeah, I played it a bit this morning. It's good.
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    Sopabuena on 11 Feb, 2012, 03:41…

    By the way, the Pit Droids port for iOS is pretty well done, and the game is fun.
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    Remi on 11 Feb, 2012, 03:27…
    JP is BACK!
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    jp-30 on 11 Feb, 2012, 02:15…
    Thanks, I'm feeling my way back after a long hiatus.
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    Ascovel on 11 Feb, 2012, 02:09…
    The sarcastic tone of the LucasArts related news is always most appreciated.

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