
Escapist Penny Arcade preview 07 Mar, 2008, 23:28 / 6 comments

The Escapist have a pretty good preview of Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, with some new info on the game and the general workings behind Hothead Games. There are very minor spoilers, though, so beware. (I should also probably point-out that Ron Gilbert has worked on neither Sam and Max Hit the Road or Full Throttle, even if the article says he has.)

Speaking of Hothead, have you seen Penny Arcade's Gabe fan-art of Deathspank? Also, I wonder if you've seen Steve Purcell's various pirate paintings? More specifically, his take on Guybrush. Pretty awesome, huh?

Oh, and speaking of awesomness, might I suggest you control yourself and not shower your monitor with kisses, even if they're displaying the awesomness I've linked to? Drat, is it too late all ready? Oh well, it's happened to the best of us.

Source: The Escapist



  • The Tingler on 08 Mar, 2008, 01:04…
    Guybrush! Elaine! LeChuck! Sobs!
  • neon_git on 08 Mar, 2008, 00:55…
    I could be wrong here, but I don't think Ron worked on Sam & Max Hit the Road OR Full Throttle did he? I'm almost certain he left a good year or two before Full throttle started.
  • Kroms on 08 Mar, 2008, 01:06…
    Neither, but I couldn't find a way to mention it without looking like a snob.
  • The Tingler on 08 Mar, 2008, 10:32…
    Snob away Kroms. If they get something blatantly wrong, feel free to point it out!
  • Kroms on 08 Mar, 2008, 17:12…
    Done :)
  • jp-30 on 07 Mar, 2008, 23:38…
    Woah. That art is spectacular. I think I'll use Guybrush & Elane to make some new desktop wallpaper.